Connecting the Creative Community

The unusual yet beautiful skyline of Sao Paulo, Brazil, includes a radio transmission tower decorated with 14 neon rings. It stands 43 meters high atop a building on the city's main business avenue, Avenida Paulista. Although it appears to be a decoration, the tower enables a powerful system called Transburti for high-speed electronic transmission of applications, images, and other data using digital radio communication at microwave frequencies.

In August of 1995, Editora Graficos Burti again differentiated itself with this private network linking the company to the largest advertising agencies and three biggest newspapers in Sao Paulo. With this system, Burti's clients no longer needed to rely on cumbersome means of delivery for advertising layouts, printing proofs and project feedback. The material instead travels through the Transburti digital network, saving time, photographic material, and labor costs. Transburti is the only corporate data transmission network of this scope and level of technology anywhere in the world.